Anhydrous scallion chicken

Young chicken
Facing heaven pepper
Cooking wine 30ml
Ground pepper
Sesame oil
Salad oi
Chili oil 

1. Select a young chicken for less than two catties, then prickle it after cleaning. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on the chicken totally, thoroughly smooth and set aside for half an hour.
2. This dish will use a large amount of onion and ginger, cut shallots, slice ginger, put a little salad oil into a cast iron pan, and evenly spread, later pour the ginger slices and scallions in.
3. Then place the preserved chicken in and pour two tablespoons of cooking wine and cover the lid.
4. Open big fire, and when the steam comes out, turn into small fire and cook for another 20 minutes. Prod with chopsticks, if you can easily get through the chicken, and turn off the heat, season with a little light soy sauce. 
5. Before serving, sprinkle some green onion, pepper, and some coriander on the chicken, then pour in little salad oil, pepper oil and sesame oil and heat them, finally put on the chicken.
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