Ribs cuttlefish soup


dried cuttle fish 100g,  coriander, pork ribs 500g,  ginger

1. Buy dried squid in supermarket, after soaking in warm water for 1 hour, clean it, remove its cartilage and impurities, cut into small pieces. Drain and set aside (Remember to remove the black skin of cuttlefish on surface, otherwise there will be a smell)
2. Wash and clean the ribs, then pour into the pan with cold water. Open fire to boil, then take out and rinse with warm water. Drain and set aside.
3. Heat the enamel cast iron pan for 1 minute with medium heat, add a drop of oil, and put ginger slices to stir fry
4. Pour in dried squid and stir fry for 2 minutes with medium fire. (Stirring cuttlefish can remove its fishy effectively, and there is no need for cooking wine, and can be used for healthy soup without any sauce.
5. Put in the pork ribs and stir-fry with the cuttlefish for 1 minute.
6. Add right amount of pure water.
7. Cover the pan with a lid, when there exists vapor, turn into small heat, and simmer for 20 minutes. You can add some salt in the pot according to your personal taste. (It saves 40% cooking time than ordinary pot)

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