Tom Yum Kung soup noodles

Ingredients: 6 freshwater shrimps, 50g straw mushrooms, 50g cabbage, 100g noodles, 1 lemon
Seasoning: Tom Yum Kung soup 50g, coconut milk 30ml, fish sauce 1 teaspoon (3ml), 1 lemongrass, 1 Thai lemon leaves, 2 South ginger, 2 millet pepper
1.Prepare a variety of materials, clean shrimps into shrimps meat and leave two whole shrimps.
2.Boiled noodles in the pot, then take out and drain.
3.Pour water in the pot, add South ginger, Thai lemon leaves, millet pepper and lemongrass to boiled.
4.Add Tom Yum Kung soup.
5.Cut straw mushroom in half and put in the pot to cook.
6.Put shrimp meat and the whole shrimp in the pot, add fish sauce, lemon juice and coconut milk to boil. Put vegetable in the pot and quick to take out to place above noodles. Pour the modulation soup into the noodles and soak for a moment to eat.
1.Tom Yum Kung soup can be purchased at the import product area in the supermarket and the brand can be free.
2.leaving two whole shrimp is to decorate the plate, if for convenience, can also be stripped into shrimp meat.
3.The use of vegetables can be freely changed according to preferences.
4.If there is no lemon, it can use lemon juice to instead, better to use lime.
5.If there is no coconut milk, milk can instead of it, but the taste will be worse.
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